BUSINESS WIRE — The Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN2), a technology incubator and platform funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and co-administered by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), announced today it selected five startups to participate in the program’s 11th cohort. The cohort consists of sustainable agriculture companies focused on using biological solutions to improve the resilience of global food systems.

“With growing populations coupled with environmental shifts, farmers need technologies that will provide more yield using available resources ultra-efficiently and in the least harmful way,” said Trish Cozart, IN2 program manager at NREL. “Agriculture technologies that provide diversified supply as well as resilience from disease play a significant part in securing our future.”

The selected companies will receive up to $250,000 in non-dilutive funding to conduct technical assistance projects at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri, a program partner, and the world’s largest independent plant science research institute. The companies will also benefit from a robust IN² cleantech ecosystem that includes industry experts, investors, and a nationwide Channel Partner network of more than 60 business incubators, accelerators, and university programs.

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